Music Composed For Cats

A new study in Applied Animal Behavior Science shows that cats prefer “species-specific” music. What they say that means is that, cats responded better to music which contained frequencies that cats use in their communication.

To us, it doesn’t really sound like music. But the cat’s seemed to respond well to it. You can listen to some samples here.

I’m not going to lie, I definitely rounded up my two cats to play them some new tunes when I read this article. The first song got their attention a little bit. They turned their heads in the general direction of the computer. But didn’t really let on as to whether they were enjoying it or not.

The second song seemed to really interest them. It had some bird chirping sounds. But, again, they just kind of shrugged, like, “Oh yeah, we’ve been listening to bird chirps since before it was cool to put them in ‘music.'”

By the third song, they’d totally lost interest. I guess I’ve got hipster cats.