Archive for July, 2016

The Value of a Song

My good friend, and label-mate, Jerry Dale Harris recently announced that he will be offering his new album (which comes out on October 28th) for whatever you want to pay for it, including not paying anything. Jerry is fantastic, and I have no doubt that the number of people who pay for it will far outweigh the people who don’t. But it brings up an issue that’s discussed a lot in the music industry lately. What exactly is the value of a song?


Sing Along For The Soul

The last few weeks have been crazy-busy. We’ve been in and out of town several times and had lots of commitments on our calendar. It was all fun and we really had a great time. But after so much on-the-go, we’ve started to feel completely worn out.

I knew July was going to be busy. But I had no idea how much it was going to wear us down. I thought doing all of these fun things and adventures were going to invigorate our zest for life. All it’s done for us recently is invigorate the ability to sleep through alarms.
